Jr Staff Volunteer
New to 2025... Jr Staff! We are adding structure to our high school volunteer program (Grades 9 to 12).
There are three simple steps to becoming a Jr Staff at WR:
1) Fill out the application online
2) Sign up for the Jr Staff Training Weekend
3) Volunteer the weeks assigned!
In the application, you can request which weeks you would like to volunteer in the summer. Not all weeks requested are guaranteed. Along with the training weekend there is also a pack-trip for Jr Staff happening mid-summer. See below for details.
1) Jr Staff Training Weekend May 23-25
If you have applied to be a Jr Staff this summer, you can sign up for our Jr Staff Training Weekend. This weekend will give you a glimpse at your role and what it will look like to volunteer as a Jr Staff. It will have an emphasis on discipleship as we look at what it means to serve here at Wilderness Ranch. It will take place at the Mountain Valley location. Anyone wanting to be a Jr Staff in the summer is strongly encouraged to come. Priority for volunteering in the summer will be given to those who come to this training weekend.
2) Jr Staff Outriders July 28-August 3
If you came to the Jr Staff Training Weekend and have been accepted into the Jr Staff program for this summer, then this trip is for you! It is a week where the Jr Staff get to take a break from volunteering and explore the Livingstone mountain range all together!​ At the end of the trip, Jr. Staff will get to spend the weekend at camp taking part in a few fun activities with the summer staff and help lead cowboy church for the whole community on Sunday, August 3 where parents and families are invited to join for service at 11:00am with lunch to follow.